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Monday, January 5, 2009

Bon voyage!

If you want to stuff as much as possible into a week of travel - in other words - if you work and/or have kids and other commitments but still have travel goals and an adventurous nature - this blog is for you.

If you would rather see the world than lie on a beach - this blog is for you.
If you can't stand running with the pack on organized tours, but still want the trip to go like clock-work - this blog is for you.

If you have never found a friendly travel agent who actually has time and patience to find you that perfect price or slightly off-the-beaten-track location - then watch this space!
I'll help you plan your trip, and give you tips about booking everything yourself. I'll share with you a few of my adventures, and the exciting and interesting things you can still do, even when on a budget of time and money.

You will be able to also download full itineries of trips to Norway, Sweden, Germany, Israel, England and more.

I will even correspond with you and help plan your trip.

So lets set sail.

Watch this space!

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